Doki x Cometh — More LP rewards on L2 + Spaceship Gacha!

Doki Doki
2 min readMar 28, 2021

Doki Squad!

Today we’re proud to announce an official partnership with Cometh!

This value-added collaboration between our projects will consist of new AZUKI/ETH and AZUKI/MUST yield-farming pools on Comethswap, as well as a new DeGacha Machine, which will dispense Doki x Cometh branded NFT spaceships that can be used to explore the galaxy & mine some juicy comets in a blockchain game!

Cometh is A DeFi powered spaceship game with yield generating NFTs. But there’s much more! The Cometh team is building a suite of DeFi products, each adding to the utility of the $MUST token. One such product is the recently launched ComethSwap, a Layer 2 Decentralized Exchange on Polygon (Matic) L2, which allows users to swap any ERC20 token at low cost, in no time.

You can learn more about Cometh on their website or by reading the Cometh Whitepaper. Follow the Cometh Twitter to get regular updates on the awesome products they are bringing to the DeFi space.

AZUKI/ETH and AZUKI/MUST yield-farming pools on ComethSwap!

Cometh Swap pool rewards scale based on the total amount of liquidity added. The target APY is 300%, and much higher if you factor in compounding. The cometh swap has kindly agreed to honor this amazing APY, until the launch of their multi-token rewards feature. When the time comes, we will also support the LP incentive with some additional rewards in AZUKI.

Comethswap L2 Yield-farming Instructions

1/ Deposit tokens to L2 via Matic Bridge (Azuki, Eth, Must depending on which pair you want to add) Alternatively you can also just deposit ETH and acquire Azuki and Must on L2 DEX.

2/ Add Liquidity to pool of choice:



3/ Stake your LP tokens to start farming $MUST !

A DeGacha Machine filled with unique yield-generating Spaceships!

Over the next few weeks, we will be collaborating with the Cometh team to design some yield-bearing Spaceships which can be used to play the Cometh game. They will be loaded into a DeGacha machine for fair & gamified distribution. Stay tuned!

Cometh Galaxy Mining Game with NFT Spaceships!

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Doki Doki

The NFT Gacha platform. Make collecting fun and inspire digital creations.