By Nagi
Doki Squad!
Our brilliant development team is ahead of schedule and has completed the integration of the Polygon(Matic) layer 2 solution to dramatically lower fees for using the Doki Gachapon machines. They’ve also built an API(basically a mini graph protocol which queries the blockchain directly) to allow the machines and NFTs to be seen on DeGacha without having a connected wallet. This eliminates dependencies on 3rd party protocols and greatly improves the experience for new-comers to our website.
At the same time, we are putting the finishing touches on a new user interface that will not only make it easier to use our machines, but will significantly improve the user experience with the layer 2 implementation. To top it all off, the Doki team has done a complete redesign of the entire website to make it easier for people to understand all the value that Doki brings to the market.
We know all of you are anxious to get your hands on the new machines and to see the incredible new designs. We are excited to tell you that in just a few weeks, you should be spinning as much as you want and without the monstrous fees of the layer 1 network. This phase of development began as a layer 2 integration, but it rapidly became clear that a new interface and user experience were required to make layer 2 successful at launch. This added significantly to the work our dev team had to do, but they are driving forward at an amazing pace.
As you know, when Doki V2 launches, things will never be the same again for our amazing community. While we patiently wait for the full and careful integration that is required for us to be successful as a community, we hope you’ll be out spreading the Doki love to everyone you know. Let your friends know that these next few weeks will be the last chance they have to “get in early”. Soon you’ll be the OGs of a massive community all having more fun than ever possible before buying digital art and collectibles.
The entire Doki team is grateful for your amazing support and we cannot wait to make this major milestone in the short Doki history a reality. Buckle up!
PS. There’s more! The top secret project we’ve been hinting about is moving full steam ahead and the crypto and NFT world has never seen anything like it before. It will change everything we know about NFTs.
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